The accurate answer is: Look up the word on an online dictionary.
Looking up for a word on an online and reliable dictionary is the most effective way to find out the different meanings a word can have according to the context in which it is used. The dictionary also provides the many <u>fixed expressions</u> using that word. For example, it is commonly known that the word <em>fancy </em>means<em> "something elaborate in decoration or structure" </em>but when used in<em> "</em><em>s</em>he took a fancy to the beautiful diamond bracelet in the department-store window" the meaning gets a little confusing. Therefore, if you look it up in an online dictionary you find out that there's a fixed expression "to take a fancy on something/someone", meaning "to start liking something or someone very much". Finally, we can be sure of the actual meaning of the sentence.
<u>Regarding the rest of the options:</u>
- Use context to guess what a girl would think about a diamond bracelet for sale in a department window.
While this option could help you in identifying the meaning of the word since context is always a key factor, a simple guessing won't verify the actual meaning of the word.
- Conduct a search on an online video sharing website.
This could help you but, once again, you need a dictionary to verify whether what is posted on the online video sharing website is reliable.
- Look up the word on Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is not a 100% reliable source since everyone can provide and edit information on this website.
- Try to think of other words that sound like “fancy.”
The sound of the word "fancy" won't provide you its meaning, so it would be helpless to think of other words with a similar sound.
1) She walked to the woods on a dark and stormy night, she had a really bad feeling about this. This was the night her future was about to be changed forever. If only she listened to her gut...
2) She walks into the woods as the rain pours down on her, it's pitch black and she has no idea where she's going, or what is waiting for her at the end of the trail...
3) She will walk into the woods as rain pours down at her, the sky will be pitch black as she struggles to find her way. She will tremble with fear as she walks to the end of the trail.
What you gotta do:
Choose the paragraph you like the best for the last question.
the story:
The story is about <u>A girl</u><u><em>(or guy if you want to change pronouns)</em></u><u> who is lost on a dark and stormy night, she enters a trail hoping to find a way out as she trembles with fear. She has a really bad feeling about this but still continues on the path. At the end of the trail, an old lady offers to help but little does she know the old lady is actually a kidnapper. the old lady takes the girl to her home and gives her a room to stay in. the girl looks around in the room when she stumbles across a dead body under the bed. suddenly she realizes this is not you sweet old lady but really the devil in disguise. The girl can't escape because the window is locked so later that night she puts the body on top of the bed making it a decoy. she waits under the bed. sure enough, the lady is back and viciously stabs the dead body multiple times. when the lady leaves the girl runs out of the house lucky and glad to make it out alive. She walks down the main road to find a bustling city, she finds a police station and explains what happens, the next day they arrest the old lady and return her[the girl] home.</u>
You can change the pronouns and add a name, also I know the ending is a little dry.. you can edit it all to your liking
About history that wasn’t written down and pass it down through poem. They sing to the men and women in the mead halls, passing down valuable information, as well as legends and providing entertainment. This probably occurs during the night hours, and possibly during some of the day hours. The main purpose of the performances is to entertain the guests at the king’s mead hall, but also to inform the guests of interesting stories. Beowulf, being there, too, was incorporated into the stories and legends. This provided more entertainment for the guests because they could physically see the man about whom he was speaking.