<span>"Why do you think Willie Mays was such a good baseball player?" is open-ended.</span>
Algonquian is where the name opossum came from, it means "white dog."
Put up more point thats why nobody is helping
Answer: There are many literary and rhetorical devices used in the passage.
They are as follows:
Metaphor- A metaphor is a rhetorical device that makes an implicit comparison . It helps create a mental image of the effect of comparison.
The words- shadow, harbingers, horizon
Personification- This literary device contributes human traits to non human entities.
In the passage 'sun' is personified in the statement, ' it was going to Sainsbury at such an unlikely time of the year. '
'Umuofia which had dozed in the noon day haze'.
'they were the harbingers sent to survey the land.'
Simile - It is is a rhetorical device that makes an explicit comparison .
'slowly moving mass like a boundless sheet of black cloud '; tiny eyes of light like shining star dust.
Visual imagery- It is a literary device that helps create a visual image, a pen picture of a situation or landscape through words.
The concluding line of the passage completes the visual image-it was a tremendous sight, full of power and beauty.