Explanation: DNA is the information molecule. It stores instructions for making other large molecules, called proteins. and the function of DNA is To carry out these functions, DNA sequences must be converted into messages that can be used to produce proteins, which are the complex molecules that do most of the work in our bodies.
They build more houses and more factories to produce more goods for the population also including more vehicles for more income of people buying them. Stores and etc.
C) The amount of A is always equivalent to T, and C to G
Chargaff's rule was given by the Austrian chemist, Erwin Chargaff in late 1940s. It explains the composition of the four bases i.e. Adenine(A), Guanine(G), Thymine(T) and Cytosine(C) in a DNA molecule. According to it, purine and pyrimidine bases are always found in 1:1 ratio in a DNA molecule. A and G are purine and T and C are pyrimidine bases and a purine always forms a pair with pyrimidine base hence the amount of A will always be equal to T and amount of G will always be equal to C. This rule forms the basis for the Watson and Crick pairs in DNA double helix model.
Abotic is a non-living thing A) Contains plants B) Bass are fish they are living
C) is a mesurement non living D) Dragonflies is a living inesct
The correct answer is C
In asexual reproduction method, the offspring generated is identical genetically to the parents. But this is not the case in sexual reproduction. The reason being that the gametes or sex cells produced has only one set of chromosomes and are therefore haploid after the process of meiosis. Meiosis is the process when the offspring formed has chromosomes from two parents and is not identical to the parent. Only certain characteristics are inherited by the offspring from both the parents and offspring has different set of characteristics.
There is a process of assortment taking place inside the cell when the double set of chromosomes becomes one set in a gamete. Out of the pair of chromosomes, there is a random selection. Due to this random assortment, there is a genetic variation between the gametes as the gene alleles on the chromosome are not the same. This principle is said to be the Mendel’s first law of segregation.
Another process of combining chromosomes is the crossing over during the meiosis stage which results in variety of chromosomes. We can say that recombination is possible.
Hence, we can note that during assortment and crossing over, there is no chance for two offspring to be identical to the same mother or father with the exception of identical twins. In the case of identical twins, the genetically identical characteristics develops from same fertilized egg.
From the above process, the structure of gene gets changed creating a variant that can get transmitted to next generation. The change is caused by altering the single base units of DNA or rearranging larger section of genes.