When you give them premission to. Otherwise they need a warrant.
He showed that the people were not as free to conduct whatever deeds they wanted and that the federal government was still in charge and that laws would have to be obeyed or people would be punished if they broke the laws. He also showed that the government will only meddle in such affairs reasonably and not be tyrannical.
This was shown through active confrontation with the people who thought they could do what they wanted. For example, during the progressive age Roosevelt engaged in breaking monopolies and trusts which didn't include physical violence but did include breaking unjust treatment of the country and exploitation of laws.
The Senate's check on a filibuster is known as a cloture. This is done by getting a vote of 3/5 of the house, approximately 60 votes. This is a rare thing to get due to number of the votes required. Rarely does one party actually have that much control.
Imperialism Culture
The main idea behind the Imperialism Culture is to bring civilization, cultural improvement, economic growth, and social development to nations and people who, according to them, are underdeveloped or barbarians. To the historians of the 19th century, this practice was not only common but good because gives development to nations that were urging for help. However, the Imperialism Culture didn't take into count the people's or nations' point of view during this process, they only saw their own nose, and what they could take in exchange.
Before and during Jackson's term as president, Southern states argued that Native American land was under the authority of state governments! Only after was Native American land considered a reservation and managed by the tribe itself.