His weekly allowance is 14$
If you would like to know what percent is 27.30 of 36.40, you can calculate this using the following steps:
x% of 36.40 = 27.30
x/100 * 36.40 = 27.30
x/100 = 27.30/36.40
x = 27.30/36.40 * 100
x = 75
To check: 75% * 36.40 = 75/100 * 36.40 = 27.30
The correct result is 75%.
The least common denominator is (b-8)(b+8)(b-1)
Step-by-step explanation:
We are given expression as
Firstly, we will factor both denominators
so, we can plug it back
First term denominator is
Second term denominator is
Least common denominator will be
So, we get
Step-by-step explanation: