What theme do "Versos Sencillos de José Martí" and "América the Beautiful" by Katherine Lee Bates have in common?
1. Juan Pablo le gusta jugar el béisbol
2. Tus amigos les gustan ver television
3. A nosotros nos gusta las ensaladas
4. A ti te gustan los conciertos de rock
5. La abuela le gusta leer revistas
6.Professor Bolaños le gusta hacer preguntas
8. Mis hermanos les gustan ir en tren
1.3.12Practice:Written Assignment: Searching and DoubtingPracticeSpanish III Sem 2Points Possible:60Name:Elijah MooreYou are going to show that you know how to use the subjunctive with impersonal expressions, as well as the indicative with describing specific people or things. This part should be four sentences in all. (16 points; 4 points each)●Describe a friend of yours in two sentences using the indicative. (Tengo un amigo que…)●Describe your ideal partner in two sentences using the subjunctive. Use expressions like 'I need' or 'I'm looking for' if you are stumped on how to begin your sentences. (Busco a una persona que…)