What did Wilson do to Myrtle? Why? Wilson locked Myrtle in her room and planned to keep her there for 2 days. Wilson does this because he comes to believe that Myrtle is having an affair and wants to quickly move away.
Answer: Vanity
Explanation: Vanity is excessive pride in one’s achievements and / or appearance. In the passage, the protagonist grew more in love with herself and her pride is described as darkening, which means it became something negative. Vanity is considered negative while self-love and self-admiration are positive when you experience them in healthy amounts.
i think i already answered this but
In order
For example,
1. get bread
2. eat it
instead of
•get bread
•eat it
In order to find balance between wants and needs, a person must have their needs met first and foremost. These needs are necessities found within a solid budget that make or break success. Good nutrition, clothing, and proper shelter are just three common needs a person must have to live a good life.
Make good and quick decisions