Pax Romana --> The time of greatest achievement under the Roman Empire.
Republic --> A government run by representatives of that country's citizens.
Aqueduct --> A structure used for carrying water over long distances.
Foundation Myth --> A society's story about its origin.
The Pax Romana was a time of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire, a republic is a type of government where representatives that are chosen by citizens rule. Aqueducts were used by the Romans as a sewer system, they carried water.
-Chamberlain wanted a strong germany to help as a barrier in opposition to expansion by communist Russia.
-Hitler's complaints were reasonable at the time mostly about Treaty of Versaillies.
-British people wanted peace but if they didn't get that they wouldn't support war in 1938.
i would tell my people that we should trust them and we could learn a lot from them. the peace medal that they gave us was very nice and we are very happy that they didnt attack us. i think they are friends
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the Internet and mobile technology the "destroyer of stable democracy".