Immediately after the storming of Bastille A) Peasants began attacking the aristocracy. The common people were tired of not having any say especially because starvation was rampant among the peasants. Tension rose between the commoners and the rich as the rich class (called the first and second estates) tried to keep power from the common people (Third estate). The people fought back by forming their own assembly called the national assembly. This assembly was supported by a finance minister named Jacques Kneckers. However, the king Louis XVI banished Kneckers and this is when the people decided to storm Bastille in protest. This lead to more riots and the peasants attacking the aristocracy or the highest class of people in France.
Through the voyages of Christopher Columbus, further conquistadors such as Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro were able to understand the landscapes of the geographic regions in the Caribbean and South America, which allowed them to more effectively colonize the regions.
The Nazi Party
While in prison, Adolf Hitler wrote his book called "Mein Kampf", which details Germany's current problems and blames them on the Jewish. He would later establish the Nazi Party and become the supreme ruler of Germany. While in power, he started a genocide campaign against the Jewish. The Jewish were killed by mobile firing squads, and later, gas chambers. At the end of the fuhrer's reign, over 60% of the European Jewish population were killed.
<u>Natural Rights</u> are rights that you have just because you were born.
<u>Civil</u> are rights you are given for belonging to a specific society.
<u>Religious Freedom</u> and <u>Freedom of Speech</u> are rights that are guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Defamation can be broken down into two parts <u>Libel</u> (written) and <u>Slander</u> (verbal).
The Supreme Court case <u>Texas v. Johnson</u> held up the burning of the U.S. flag.
The Supreme Court case <u>Plessy v. Ferguson</u> ruled separate but equal which was overruled by <u>Brown v. Board</u> which ruled separate is not equal.
The 13th Amendment accomplished the task of <u>Abolishing Slavery</u>.
Thanks to the work of people like Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton the <u>19th</u> amendment was passed which accomplished <u>women's suffrage</u>.
The freedom of religion breaks down into two parts which are <u>Free Exercise of Religion</u> and <u>No Establishment of Religions by the Government</u>.
The U.S. v O'Brien case is the litmus test of <u>The First Amendment's Guarantee of Free Speech</u>.
<u>Rousseau</u> says that people give us some of their rights for protection for their other rights.
The candidate had to be trained as a scholar and then pass a series of written examinations. The Chinese civil service system, established in 124 B.C.E., required potential officials to be trained as scholars and then pass rigorous examinations to qualify for office.