In Act 3, as Lear wanders through a desolate heath, a terrible storm rages overhead, strongly but ambiguously symbolic. The storm reflects Lear's inner turmoil and escalating madness in part: it is a physical, turbulent natural reflection of Lear's internal turmoil. At the same time, the storm embodies nature's awesome power, forcing the powerless king to acknowledge his mortality and human frailty for the first time, and to cultivate a sense of humility. The storm could also represent divine vengeance as if nature is enraged by the events of the play. Finally, the weather chaos represents Lear's Britain's political chaos.
In part, the storm echoes Lear's inner turmoil and mounting madness: it is a physical, turbulent natural reflection of Lear's internal confusion. ... Finally, the meteorological chaos also symbolizes the political disarray that has engulfed Lear's Britain.