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Answer: B. Front and Back regions
Explanation: The use of different media accounts by Maria is used to demarcate front and back regions. It is usually used to explain the principle of social interaction, showcasing the differences in the attitude of an individual or person in the environment due to time, place or audience.
The front region could be explained as that part of a person which is visible to others and as such Maria tends to shape her attitude and portray a good image in the presence of her employer and professors.
However, In the back region, Maria will feel more relaxed and devoid of pressure to impress her employers or professors. In this region Maria wants to have fun and not act in other to please anyone.
Teenagers question society’s rules and they get involved in idealistic cause because argues that when children make the transition to formal operational through at about age 12, they can see underneath the surface of adult guidelines. He believes when children first become in agreement to other people’s faults, this feeling goes innermost to become an fascination with what others consider about their own personal faults. Imaginary audience is the tenure for the affinity of young teenagers to feel that every person is viewing their action; a constituent of adolescent egocentrism. Personal fable is the tenure for the affinity of young teenagers to believe that their existence is distinctive and heroic; a constituent of adolescent egocentrism.
Nepali architecture or Nepalese architecture is a unique strain of art and practicality. Situated in between the trade routes of India, Tibet and China, Nepali architecture reflects influences from both these cultural strongholds. ... Mugal style, summit style, dome style also have great scope in Nepal.
They are the place of historical and cultural importance. They represent livelihood of people, tradition, culture, civilization, and originality. They symbolize the craftsmanship of our ancestors and how people used to make the art and architecture in early days.
This would be histrionic personality disorder.
People with historionc personality disorder act very dramatically, as though performing before an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity. Be overly concerned with physical appearance. Constantly seek reassurance or approval. Be gullible and easily influenced by others.