Answer: -4125
Explanation: 5*10 and 5*25 = 50-125= -75
Cuando "salen de la" escuela
1.Ella quiere que le _de_ mis juguetes.
2.José y Patricio desean que Martín _entienda_ sus planes para el viaje.
3. La joven dice que _cerremos_ la puerta.
4. Papá te pide que _duermas_ en tu propia cama esta noche.
5. Los astronautas no piensan que Mercurio y Plutón _estén_ más cerca de Venus que la Tierra.
- <u>Translated from Spanish language:</u>
"1. The owner opened the no smoking section. (Switch to double object pronouns)
2. They asked for the menus to the waiter. (Switch to double object pronouns)
3. They looked for us a comfortable place and we sat down. (Switch to double object pronouns)
4. They served fries with the fish to the customers. (Switch to double object pronouns)
5. Marcos were brought to the table some hors d'oeuvres. (Switch to double object pronouns)
6. They served me a salad of lettuce and tomato.
7. The owner bought the meat from Mr. Gutierrez. (Switch to double object pronouns)
8. They showed you the wines before serving them. (Switch to double object pronouns)."