Dreamers gained legal status by a positive vote in the U.S. Congress in 2010 to live as permanent residents within the United States, the DACA Act. In June of 2020 the Supreme Court voted to maintain this status. These “Dreamers” for the most part came as babies or small children, their parents are not documented citizens do you agree with the Dreamers Act? Why?
1. True, there are some unreliable sources ALWAYS.
2. True, if you are making a document you must have reliable information to back yourself up.
3. False, there are several different perspectives to think about.
4. False, ALL sources MUST be reliable no matter what.
5. True, all sources are evidence of an event anyway.
Answer: in relation to medieval society and psychology, renaissance constitutes counter-movement. So, if Middle Ages are introverted, Renaissance is extraverted. If Middle Ages are theocentric, Renaissance is anthropocentric. If Middle Ages are totally European (with an exception of Crusades), Renaissance transcends Europe and becames more cosmopolitan. The same is true in science. Renaissance science is extraverted ....it is looking for God not in heavens but in the nature ! It is able to experiment and think outside the box.
Explanation: Renaissance is a revolutionary time in all respects.
The 3 most numerous ethnicities are Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans of major U.S. ethnicities among states and within urban areas. Hispanics are clustered in the Southwest, African Americans in the Southeast and Asian Americans in the West.