Japan was one of the only Asian Country that Successfully fought of Western imperialism or avoided it.
They fraught the axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan).
<span>The correct answer is
(4). Natural resources discovered under the North Sea in 1959. that became
major products in the United Kingdom are oil and natural gas. The exploitation
began in 1971. Through tankers, and later by pipeline. The largest platforms are
Ekofiks oil field, Statfjord oil field and Troll gas field.</span>
To quote the witch in Snow White "Who's the fittest of them all?" Who but those who think they are powerful enough to occupy colonies who supply raw materials to be shaped into manufactured articles, to be sold back to the colonies?
That is the definition of imperialism. It is the colonization by force of those unable to prevent the colonization. Imperialism is the creation of an empire by colonizing people that can't prevent their own subjugation.
Does that not sound like survival of the fittest to you?
Hitler took great trouble to make sure that young people were loyal to him and the Nazi Party. He realized that in the future he may have to call on these people to put up with hardships, to fight and perhaps die for him. Therefore, it was important for young people to think that Hitler and the Nazis were the best thing that had ever happened to Germany.
Youngsters were indoctrinated (brainwashed) to think like the Nazis. Textbooks were rewritten to get across the Nazi message. Children were also taught to recognize Jews at a glance.