She brought the hurricane victims so the listeners would hear their stories from their perspective.
Cheryl Corley was aware that describing the experiences the victims of the hurricane had from a third person perspective would not accurately convey the horrors the victims experienced so she had to include the interviews of the victims themselves so listeners would better the experience from the first person perspective.
When a story is being narrated in the third person narrative, that is another person describing events from a detached view the emotions are not properly captured and the 0erson simply describes it the way he sees it or thinks it happened. It is not an accurate way of describing events.
When narrating an experience in the first person, the person describes it exactly how it happened to them and how they felt when it was happening and how they felt after the event. It is a description based on the descriptor's experience.
First Question:
Second Question:
It is B! Purpose means why
Yes. For example there was this one time I wanted to get this homework assignment done and I went to the full extreme of staying up for a whole day just to finish it (it was an essay). I am kinda good at celebrating the small progress I make along the way. For one, my mom celebrates no matter what I have accomplished. For two, I always reward myself with a break (whether its just listening to music or its looking at my phone) when I complete a homework assignment. The most common thing I celebrate with though is rewarding myself with my phone. My mom rewards me with no bedtime that night (if its not a schoolnight) or she rewards me with a 1 AM bedtime (if it is a school night).