The happy faces surround me in the hallway like a kaleidoscope of beautiful butterflies.
The poetic comparison allows the reader to link the author's feelings about something to something they can understand. Poetic devices such as simile, metaphor, and analogy serve this purpose.
A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares something to something else to create a rhetorical effect. A simile is a type of metaphor that creates a comparison using the words "like" and "as". In this answer, we compared the faces in the hallway to a kaleidoscope of beautiful butterflies to represent the happiness that they provide us.
Stream-of-consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative leaps in thought and lack of some or all punctuation
The answer is B Hope this helps
You research to find out information on a subject.
The purpose of researching is to find out more about a subject. For example: If you wanted to research the soviet union for a history project you would look it up online or in books so you could find out more about the subject.
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