Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors, therefore they take <u>advantage</u> of their competition.
Competition basically refers to a situation in a market when businesses or sellers compete with one another for customers' business in order to accomplish a certain business goal, like maximizing earnings, sales, or market share. In this context, rivalry is frequently used to describe competitiveness. It is also described as a situation in which several economic enterprises compete to acquire products that are restricted by diverse market factors.
In addition to other financial service providers like trust companies, life insurance companies, finance companies, federal and provincial credit unions and caisses populaires, federal and provincial financial agencies, and financial technology companies, the majority of banks also compete with one another.
To know more about Competetive Advantage, refer to this link:
I tried to unscramble it and came out with relationships.
I hope this helps!
Answer:in 1984 there was no devices but tv
It is difficult to discern whether individuals can be designated as having good morals when an action is done not because it was moral, but because God has commanded it.
The idea of Theological Volunteerism is that an action has moral value because the action is approved or even recommended by God, through his teachings. In this context, what we as humans might consider as something that is morally right, may be considered in opposition to God's will or even deemed as irrelevant since it was not taught by God of certain religions as a morally right action that their follower should take.
A great example of this would be the idea of slaughtering some farm animals under the name of God for it to be consumed by the followers of the religion, even though it means that the method used to kill these animals is more inhumane. To the followers of the religion, this action is morally right since God has commanded it to be so; to those who aren't followers of the religion, it is a horrific and morally wrong action.