C) The coach spoke with Sam after the game.
C) merges with
(C) Students and teachers throw away a lot of used paper
(A) The king sat high up on his ceremonial chair
For changing a passive voice of verb tenses into active voice.
- Change object of the tense into subject, and write it in subject's place
- Change subject into object and use it in object's place.
- Identify the tense from helping verb(s) used in the passive voice, and use that tense in active voice. (use of " only <em>was</em>" in passive voice shows that this is past indefinite tense.
Present can not destroy or control the future. It does not rally around future (rally around means to join or support someone in a difficult task). Present fuses or merges with future. For example some event of tomorrow will become a present moment when that time comes.
Text of the point B has concluded the first part about what recycling program is and how other schools organize it. The author concludes this paragraph by saying that they needed a recycling program of that type in their school. The text from point C is talking about strategies to arrange that program in their school. It is here when a new idea starts; and hence from here it should be made a new paragraph.
The text before point A is the introduction to a state, king and his place for judging the accused. This part describes the setting of the story. From point A onward the procedure of trying and punishing an accused person is described. It is here (point A), where a new idea/information is presented. So the paragraph should be split into two separate ones from this point.
In the way that it says it
11. Well (this could also be Of Course, Bet, Sure, etc.)
12. without
13. be
14. have
15. an
16. not
17. or
18. to
19. someone
20. save
The highlighted part of the sentence is called a/an Professor Plum , who had been to the mansion before , expertly navigated the maze of rooms andcorridors to quickly reach the conservatory
I think this is what you are wanting to know. You would use a not an If the word/name (Professor Plum) would have been something starting with a vowel instead, you would use an
Is this what you were asking?
True -- also called the denouement, revelation or catastrophe