“whose father worked for the railroad” is a subordinate clause as it is a relative clause beginning with the pronoun “whose”. It is particularly used in written English and it refers to possession of things or to make association or connections with other things or people.
Speaking of urgency, impulse purchases only happen when you can create a sense of it in customers' minds. Impulse buys generally draw on one of two things: Shoppers' wants or. Staple items.
The narrative will change depending on the narrator's tone and point of view.
When planning to write a story, it's important to carefully pick a narrator, because the narrative will change depending on the narrator's tone and point of view.
A narrative's point of view is the perspective from which it is told. The first-person and third-person narratives are the most common, but the second-person narrative is used sometimes, as well. Depending on how much information they have an insight into, narrators can be limited or omniscient. An omniscient narrator is a narrator who knows about all events that take place in the story and about all character's thoughts and feelings. A limited narrator doesn't possess this much knowledge.
The narrator's tone is the narrator's attitude toward or feelings about the events that take place, about the subject.
We can see that one story can be told from many perfectives, which is why it's important to carefully pick its narrator.
They want to kill the black guy ( it’s been a long time since I read but if my memories serves me right)