The phrase or expression is meant to say that in order to receive the money you should get, you should do the job you are expected to do. Although the actual phrasing within the expression makes this a little difficult to understand this idea. In other words, you do the work, you get paid for the work you are expected to do.
What are you trying to ask
I think it was the Age of Discovery. After the Crusades and the fall of Feudalism,
the growth of towns and commerce attracted interest in other lands that began
during the Crusades when they were exposed the silks and spices being traded
there. This prompted European powers to
embark on journeys to establish trade routes as well as find new lands to
I think is North America.
I'm not sure how much my answer.(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Prior to the American Revolution, the British
repealed all of the new taxes they had levied on the colonists, with the
exception of the "sin" taxes, such as taxes on whiskey and tobacco.