It was showed as a surplus because it was a surplus when it came to the budget. The problem behind it that for the first time in a while, the United States budget worked with a surplus after the year ended even though it was not the idea of a surplus that the people believed.
The surplus disappeared because it never really existed. It was a surplus but it didn't mean that the country was not in debt. The country had a huge amount of debt to other countries or to companies or to any other institution such as a bank. The surplus was eaten up by the debt accumulated over the years. There was a surplus, but the debt was not reduced.
It was the idea of "Manifest Destiny" that was the belief that it was God’s plan for the United States to own most or all of North America, since people thought the US was "destined" to occupy all the territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
In the spring of 1519, upon receiving the news of the arrival of strangers to the east coast of present-day Mexico, to the beaches of Chalchihuecan in the present state of Veracruz, Moctezuma sent ambassadors presided over by five Mexica nobles to investigate the stories. Following his detailed instructions, the emissaries carried three sets of trappings: one associated with Tezcatlipoca, another with Tlaloc, and another with Quetzalcoatl. Each Nahua god had elements of specific attire, and Moctezuma believed that Cortes could be related to Quetzalcoatl, taking into consideration the prophecy which said "from the east will come white and bearded men" and thought that if the Spanish allowed them to adorn it with their attributes It would be proven that such a relationship was true, since no one would dare allow themselves to be decorated in such a way without being authorized for it by the deity. Perhaps by chance, Cortés was pleased when he was dressed in Quetzalcoatl's suit. This terrified Moctezuma Xocoyotzin, who sent rich presents to prevent the Spanish from approaching. But the gifts only aroused the greed of the invaders.
The most important facts of the economy were: the imbalances of countries such as the United States, Japan and Germany, which were manifested in the exchange, credit and securities markets, the acceleration in the integration of Europe.
These facts suggest that the economic policy of the late 1980s could focus more on the subsidiary and market economy, with better coordination and that it would be more favored in saving and thinking about the stability of the financial and banking system. The most important challenge should be to converge towards GDP or the level of inflation without resorting to monetary policy and without abuse in fiscal policy.