Answer: They drew his chariot when Achilles left home for the Trojan War.
The horses, who were immortal, were given by Poseidon as a gift to Achilles's father Peleus upon his wedding to the goddess Thetis: magnificent racing stallions, gifts of the gods to Peleus, shining immortal gifts. Peleus then gave the horses to Achilles to draw his chariot when his son left home for the Trojan War.
you need to do it as
"The soft, gray, long haired cat purred loudly as she lounged in the sun."
That is a fragment. if you went to someone and said "to apply for a job at the new store in the mall" they would be confused
A. He realizes that she will probrably die in the mountains.
It says this in the story, "The son walked slowly, for he could not bear to think of leaving his old mother in the mountains. On and on he climbed, not wanting to stop and leave her behind."