Sitting before the blank diary page, Winston is about to commit a crime.
It is not surprising that at this moment, his sore begins to itch unbearably. It is a reminder of his guilty conscience and of the crime he is about to commit. It is his internalization of Big Brother, reminding him that any thought not in support of Big Brother is a crime.
A thesis statement should be significant, because it gets the reader interested! It should be debatable so you can show other points of views and show what view you like the most. Lastly, it should be limited so you don't tell everything all at once.
Good-Luck! c:
One thing my professor suggested was to make a draft of your thesis (you can always edit it later) and start on the body paragraphs. Do the conclusion and intro paragraphs afterward.
I chose my answer because of the fact that most things are produced and reproduced by humans. It is hard to find real, natural products.
Nope cant avoid hoped i helped