oh, so you're gay?
I'm just kidding. So you like anime. That's cool.
The First World War created a new political and economic situation in India. (i) It led to huge increase in defense expenditure, Custom duties were raised,income tax was introduced to finance the war. (ii) Villagers were called upon to supply soldiers, forced recruitment in rural areas caused widespread resentment.
The answer to this question is the "Writ of Habeas Corpus". Such as under the doctrine of Writ of Habeas Corpus, the judges normally feel the need to follow the rulings established by prior the court decisions. Justiciable controversy habeas corpus precedents stare decisis previous next. The writ of habeas corpus is a written command where become the basis of the offices during jurisdiction.
your answer is b) There was not enough money in the United States Treasury to finance these efforts.
According to Confucius, a leader should behave as a slave towards me.