I don't know if this will answer your question, however, if using Google Docs, it is as simple as selecting the line you wish the image to be on, and navigating to the insert tab. Located in the INSERT tab, there should be a Image button. Click that, and either upload from the web, or from your device.
cardNumber = str(input('Enter your card number her: \n'))
if (len(cardNumber) > 16 or len(cardNumber < 16)):
print ('You have entered an invalid cardNumber.')
if cardNumber.startswith("2"):
print('American Express Card')
elif cardNumber.startswith("4"):
print('Visa Card')
elif cardNumber.startswith("5"):
print('Master Card')
print('Unknown Card')
In the try block section:
The first line prompt the user for input, which is converted to string and assigned to cardNumber variable. The next line test the length of the cardNumber entered, if it is less than 16 or greater than 16; an exception is raise.
In the except section:
An error message is displayed telling the user that he/she has entered an invalid card number.
In the else section:
This is where is program check for type of card using an if...elif...else statement block. If the cardNumber start with 2; an output of "American Express card" is displayed. If the cardNumber start with 4; an output of "Visa card" is displayed. If the cardNumber start with 5; an output of "Master card" is display else "Unknown card" is displayed to the user.
A ribbon is somehing ou earn
Public Relations or Pull Request (computer programming)
Hope this helps