Un baile de los indígenas del continente americano.
Un baile de los indígenas del continente americano= A dance of the indigenous people of the American continent.
I'm pretty sure you would put "Leo" in the blank space because the verb "leer" means to read and the sentence prior to the blank space says "the magazine 'Cosas (or Things)' is my favorite. I read it every month. Hope this helps!
Answer: 1) Si, hay un buzón.
2)No, no conozco a nadie.
3) Si, veo a alguien.
4)No, no hay ninguna panadería.
5) Si, tengo una compañera que va.
6)No, no conozco a nadie.
Explanation: En las respuestas de si o no, especifica siempre que es lo que sabes o no sabes.
In yes or no answers, always specify what you know or don't know.
I hope I have helped you.
Answer: The answer is the first. Para rendir homenaje a Dios por la vida de la quinceañera.
Explanation: Because in the birthday the girl go to the church and the familiars say thanks to God because is a 1 year more. I hope I help you.