Paris is deeply affected for Romeo's having slain his beloved cousin. The strong need for a revenge takes control of his impulse to challenge Romeo to a duel. The character of Romeo is depicted as an eloquent young noble man who is fond of love and brotherhood with a high respect for friendship. However, he is well trained in the act of fighting. His fear for divine punishment is reflected in his words when he says: "Put not another sin upon my head." In addition to his pincely manners and dexterity with the sword, we can infer that he has strong religious beliefs.
Antigone's uncle, the powerfully built King Creon is a weary, wrinkled man suffering the burdens of rule.
<em>Lord Buddha was born in </em><em>623 B.C.</em>
Siddhartha Gautama, widely known as Lord Buddha (buddha is not a name, but a title, and it means <em>the one who is awake</em>), was born in 623 B.C. in Lumbini, Nepal (which became a sacred place where believers come to pilgrimage). He was a philosopher, meditator, leader of a religious movement, but before all of that, he was a prince from a noble family who decided to explore the world, religion, and reality itself. He preached that one can reach peace through mental discipline - meditation, and he spent his life in an attempt to teach people how to achieve inner peace or enlightenment.
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