When Australia joined the war in August 1914, the reaction was one of excitement, especially among young men. Australian men answered the call to war with a sense of adventure, duty and enthusiasm. As Australian armed forces grew from 3,000 to 50,000, some soldiers struggled with the discipline of military life.
Norma Shields is a researcher investigating lifestyles of the rich and famous. This week she is examining her target audience's views on food, the...
The answer is A, the French government along with the Belgian government occupied the industrial rhur valley to make up for unpaid reparations.
True, the disease spread to the Aztecs greatly diminished their population, making them much easier to conquer.
After the signing of an armistice with Spain, American troops raised the U.S. flag over the island, formalizing U.S. authority over its one million inhabitants. In December, the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Spanish-American War and officially approving the cession of Puerto Rico to the United States