The Free Soil Party was an American political party that only survived through two presidential elections, in 1848 and 1852. Essentially a single issue reform party dedicated to stopping the spread of slavery to new states and territories in the West, it attracted a very dedicated following.
Sometime between 30 and 33 A.D
There has always been slavery inside Africa.
(Sadly slavery is still in Africa today.)
Europeans sold goods that the kingdoms wanted.
The kingdoms kept pushing further and further into the interior.
This created a continuous cycle.
Whites were sold into slavery in Africa also.
(They were captured from barbery pirates in North Africa.)
The First Continental Congress organized a boycott of British goods. The Second Continental Congress declared independence from Britain.
Answer:Making Economic Decisions
Individuals are forced to make trade-offs every time they use their resources in one way and not in another. The cost of making a trade-off is known as opportunity cost—the value of the next best alternative that has to be given up to do the action that is chosen.