Guerra Sucia, Guerra Sucia española, también llamada Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, Proceso de Reorganización Nacional español o El Proceso, infame campaña emprendida de 1976 a 1983 por la dictadura militar argentina contra presuntos opositores políticos de izquierda. Se estima que murieron entre 10.000 y 30.000 ciudadanos; muchos de ellos fueron “desaparecidos”, confiscados por las autoridades y nunca más se supo de ellos.
There are many ways citizens can participate in the election process. Citizens can vote in the election, campaign for the election candidates, work with groups of interest, sign petitions, create petitions, and more. =)
D Larger companies could produce goods at a lower cost. As companies grew they needed a large supply of workers. The immigrants and others moving into large cities supplied the labor the large companies needed.
Slaves codes were state laws established to determine the status of slaves and the rights of their owners. Slave codes placed harsh restrictions on slaves' already limited freedoms, often in order to preempt rebellion or escape, and gave slave owners absolute power over their slaves.