They were sought after by others.
Duchamp and Hoch share a common similarity in the sense that other people always seek after them.
They were always sought after by others.
D. people do not want to pay for world news
World News remain as numerous or more and there's always something to be talked about. But with the arrival of the internet, things like newspapers and magazines have been dying every day. People want their information quickly, with a single click or touch on the screen and most are not willing to pay for that quick piece of information that they get from a social network.
One major way that teacher help in by school is by giving extra help sessions before or after school. Another way is that the teachers are a little more flexible and can extend the deadline for that students so that they can complete it. This is really helpful for those students who have other things going in life and at home
A and B
Im not sure if you can choose two, but its both.
The answer is false because, even though Hobbes offered this opinion in Leviathan Chapter VI, he didn’t mean that it would happen, or that it is possible; he was only giving an opinion about what could happen in nature, and the reality that could fall on mankind if laws, regulations and conventions are taken away from society: without a government, things could get our of hand, and life could be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.