Answer: Explanation:
Dido: she is enraged. She claims that Aeneas is committing a crime by leaving her and is being cruel. She begs him to stay.
Aeneas: He claims that they were never married. He regrets leaving, but he feels that the welfare of Troy and his people come first and that he is obligated by the gods to leave and found a kingdom.
Aeneas had to find his destiny, and it wasn’t with Carthage. He had to leave his bride, Dido; who is so perfect a woman. Truly it is a great personal tragedy; adding to his own loss of his nation. But the mindset of Aeneas overlooked that as he embraced his destiny….
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I think you need to read a story to answer
The four functions of language: to define, to evaluate, to influence, to reflect. In language we always have a sender, a receiver and an information. The sender sends the information to the receiver in a specific context (a sorounding world) and the information is corelated with the world (it says something about it). The functions of language describes functions of theese elements. Language "defines" because it says something about the world and it shows a connection between the information and the world. Language influence, because every speech we give has its consequences for the receiver so here we have correlation between the information and the receiver. What's more language reflects because it shows the emotions and intentions of the sender (connection between sender and information). And last but not least we have the function "to evaluate". It shows how the information influences itself, how it is built, what kind of language we use and what stylistic values it has.
A recent study by the U.S. Department of Education suggests that school uniforms can help reduce theft, violence, and the negative effects of peer pressure caused when some students come to school wearing designer clothing and expensive sneakers. ... Less than 1 percent of the students chose not to wear uniforms.