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Explain the difference between breeding organs and spores and flowers?
Breeding Spores is with natural vegetative, sexual breeding in reproductive organs eg askospora, basidospora, oporpora, sigospora.
Breeding Flowers are generative in seed plants covered with the characteristic appearance of flowers, and reproductive organs with pistils and stamens.
1. Spores
Spores are one or several cells wrapped in a protective layer, in these cells and only grow in an environment that meets the requirements. Spores are cells that change function into breeding tools. Plants that breed with spores include ferns, fungi, algae and feathers, spores are plant leaves on the back in the form of powder and stored in spores called sporangium.
The function of the spore is as a distribution tool similar to seeds, but different in terms of anatomy and evolution.
Breeding spores is divided into two types:
1. breeding of sexual spores is with sexual spores where spores formed in special organs occur from the mixing of two hyphae and this combination will then form a reproductive device that has special features such as the following:
a. Askospora
b. Basidospora
c. Oospora
d. Sigospora
2. Asexual breeding is directly formed by hyphae without going through the incorporation of hyphae, reproductive hyphae. Namely with three types:
a.Talospora namely Talospora, Blastospora, Klamiospora
b. Konidiospora
Formed from the tip of hyphae. Here the protoplasm divides itself. There are 2 kinds of forms: macro- and microconidia.
c. Sporangiospora
Formed from sporangium, which is from the tip of hyphae or special mycelium in the form of lumps, and from these lumps spores are formed.
2 flowers
Parts of interest are:
a. Bungan jewelry, namely flower jewelry, namely petals and flower crowns.
b. The base of the flower is the end of the flower stem that enlarges and becomes the place where the flower crown attaches.
c. Flower stalk. The flower stalk is the part that connects the flower with the stem.
d. Stamens. Stamen is a male genitals for plants. Stamen itself consists of Sari Tangkai and Sari Head,
e. Pistil. Pistil is a female genitalia in plants. The pistil consists of the stalk of the pistil, the head of the pistil and the ovary, and in the ovary there will be seeds.
f. Complete flowers are flowers that have all parts of the flower. Incomplete interest is an interest that does not have one part of interest as described above.
g. Imperfect Flowers are flowers that only have one breeding device. For example flowers that only have stamens and are called male flowers, and flowers that only have a pistil and are called female flowers.
The process of flower reproduction by pollination process is a generative breeding process in plants known as pollination. Pollination is the process of falling pollen on the stigma.
Based on the pollen source pollination can be divided into:
• Self Pollination. Self Pollination is pollination which occurs when the Stamen which falls on the Head of the Pistil comes from the joint itself and of course the one who can do it is the Complete Flower that has the Stamen and Stamen at the same Time.
• Pollination of Neighbors. Neighboring pollination is pollination that occurs when pollen that falls on the stigma comes from other flowers but still on one tree.
• Cross Pollination. Cross Pollination is pollination that occurs when pollen that falls on the stigma comes from other flowers of a similar type but different trees.
• Bastar pollination. Bastar pollination is pollination which occurs when pollen that falls on the stigma comes from other, non-similar flowers.
• Pollination by wind. Flowers that pollinate are helped by the wind.
• Animal pollination. Flowers that pollinate assisted by animals have characteristics such as having large, attractive flower crowns, striking crown colors, distinctive odors and producing nectar which can all attract animals to approach them.
• Pollination by water. Pollination aided by water usually occurs in aquatic plants. This happens because the falling rainwater can hit pollen.
• Human pollination. Plants that process pollination assisted by humans are plants
Explain the difference between breeding organs and spores and flowers?
Breeding Spores is with natural vegetative, sexual breeding in reproductive organs eg askospora, basidospora, oporpora, sigospora.
Breeding Flowers are generative in seed plants covered with the characteristic appearance of flowers, and reproductive organs with pistils and stamens.
1. Spores
Spores are one or several cells wrapped in a protective layer, in these cells and only grow in an environment that meets the requirements. Spores are cells that change function into breeding tools. Plants that breed with spores include ferns, fungi, algae and feathers, spores are plant leaves on the back in the form of powder and stored in spores called sporangium.
The function of the spore is as a distribution tool similar to seeds, but different in terms of anatomy and evolution.
Breeding spores is divided into two types:
1. breeding of sexual spores is with sexual spores where spores formed in special organs occur from the mixing of two hyphae and this combination will then form a reproductive device that has special features such as the following:
a. Askospora
b. Basidospora
c. Oospora
d. Sigospora
2. Asexual breeding is directly formed by hyphae without going through the incorporation of hyphae, reproductive hyphae. Namely with three types:
a.Talospora namely Talospora, Blastospora, Klamiospora
b. Konidiospora
Formed from the tip of hyphae. Here the protoplasm divides itself. There are 2 kinds of forms: macro- and microconidia.
c. Sporangiospora
Formed from sporangium, which is from the tip of hyphae or special mycelium in the form of lumps, and from these lumps spores are formed.
2 flowers
Parts of interest are:
a. Bungan jewelry, namely flower jewelry, namely petals and flower crowns.
b. The base of the flower is the end of the flower stem that enlarges and becomes the place where the flower crown attaches.
c. Flower stalk. The flower stalk is the part that connects the flower with the stem.
d. Stamens. Stamen is a male genitals for plants. Stamen itself consists of Sari Tangkai and Sari Head,
e. Pistil. Pistil is a female genitalia in plants. The pistil consists of the stalk of the pistil, the head of the pistil and the ovary, and in the ovary there will be seeds.
f. Complete flowers are flowers that have all parts of the flower. Incomplete interest is an interest that does not have one part of interest as described above.
g. Imperfect Flowers are flowers that only have one breeding device. For example flowers that only have stamens and are called male flowers, and flowers that only have a pistil and are called female flowers.
The process of flower reproduction by pollination process is a generative breeding process in plants known as pollination. Pollination is the process of falling pollen on the stigma.
Based on the pollen source pollination can be divided into:
• Self Pollination. Self Pollination is pollination which occurs when the Stamen which falls on the Head of the Pistil comes from the joint itself and of course the one who can do it is the Complete Flower that has the Stamen and Stamen at the same Time.
• Pollination of Neighbors. Neighboring pollination is pollination that occurs when pollen that falls on the stigma comes from other flowers but still on one tree.
• Cross Pollination. Cross Pollination is pollination that occurs when pollen that falls on the stigma comes from other flowers of a similar type but different trees.
• Bastar pollination. Bastar pollination is pollination which occurs when pollen that falls on the stigma comes from other, non-similar flowers.
• Pollination by wind. Flowers that pollinate are helped by the wind.
• Animal pollination. Flowers that pollinate assisted by animals have characteristics such as having large, attractive flower crowns, striking crown colors, distinctive odors and producing nectar which can all attract animals to approach them.
• Pollination by water. Pollination aided by water usually occurs in aquatic plants. This happens because the falling rainwater can hit pollen.
• Human pollination. Plants that process pollination assisted by humans are plants