Tu contestas los problemas en el examen.
1.) El año pasado escribió un libro extraordinario
2.) Es imprescindible guardar la lácteos en la heladera
3.) Nadie en mi familia sabe tocar la guitarra
4.) Los niños comprendieron la gravedad del asunto
5.) Las rosas florecerán la próxima semana
Me: I need a later curfew I have so much things to do and don't have time to do what I want (have fun)
Mom: no you need to go to bed early so you can do what you need not what you want.
Me: ok ima make you happy for now but if you don't let me now I'm going to later this will cause experiences that I have never encountered later in life that I could know about sooner but couldn't because i was restricted and when I have less common sense then everyone when I'm older it's your fault.