Only one of the two are true. Works in the public domain have a copyright that has expired only. E.g. Works of classical music artist, are almost always expired, in accorance with American Copyright law. Abandoning a copyright doesn't do anything because so long the copyright has remained unexpired, the copyright remains. Thats why it can take decades for a new movie in a series to release, like "IT" by Stephen King. The copyright hasn't expired but rather was 'abandoned'. Before "IT" 2017 was relasesed, the copyright was abandoned.
A kernel manages the whole computer including hardware. In Unix, all processes are launched from systemd/launchd.
Security administrator can use power shell command line or the GUI to "Promote a windows server to a domain controller".
A domain controller is a type of server that is used to authenticate the access of the system to the users to resources of windows. Power shell is an important tool that is used to perform different tasks of administration. We can user this tool as security administrator to Promote a Windows server to a domain controller.
I have written the code in Java. It contains the class Insertion Sorter which has the InsertionSort function. This function uses the insertion sort algorithm to sort a comparable array and if it fails to do so for whatever reason it throws an Illegal ArgumentException. If it sorts the array correctly it returns the number of changes that needed to be made in order to correctly sort the array. Due to technical difficulties I have attached the code as a text document below and proof of output in the picture below as well.