1. Yo invertía todos mis ahorros en esa hermosa casa.
2.Con tu currículum, mi empresa te contrataría inmediatamente.
3. Yo no renunciaría en estos momentos de crisis.
4. Paco creía que su jefe lo despediría hoy.
5. Mis padres se jubilarían mañana si pudieran.
1. I would invest all my savings in that beautiful house.
2. With your resume, my company would hire you immediately.
3. I would not give up in these moments of crisis.
4. Paco believed his boss would fire him today.
5. My parents would retire tomorrow if they could.
We use<u> would </u> as an<em> auxiliary verb</em> to talk about <em>hypothetical situations</em> in <u>affirmative, negative and interrogative</u>, regularly in the <u>second conditional.</u>