While traveling through the Second Ring, Dante and Virgil come across a place with many dark trees, but no actual people. They can hear voices screaming in pain, but they can't see them. Virgil tells Dante to break off a twig from one of the trees, after which the tree cries in pain and starts bleeding. Virgil then explains that all of these trees are souls of people who've hurt themselves during life, those who have willingly discarded their own bodies and committed suicide. Thus whenever the tree is hurt (a branch broken off), they feel pain as if they were dismembered.
Well water got in my eyes when I was baptised and by baptised i mean almost drowned in a pool..
The California Dream is the psychological motivation to gain fast wealth or fame in a new land. As a result of the California Gold Rush after 1849, California's name became indelibly connected with the Gold Rush, and fast success in a new world became known as the "California Dream".[1] California was perceived as a place of new beginnings, where great wealth could reward hard work and good luck. The notion inspired the idea of an American Dream. California was seen as a lucky place, a land of opportunity and good fortune. It was a powerful belief, underlying many of the accomplishments of the state, and equally potent when threatened.
Hope you like it
It would be B because "You seems happy about the cold weather" does not make any sense but "You seem happy about the cold weather' does make sense.
Hope this helps!