When the ball is in david's court for a trim, mr samuels puts a wooden board secured with a bit of oxblood red calfskin over the arms of the seat, so the stylist doesn't need to stoop to trim the kid's hair. david scrambles up onto the seat. . david feels like he is in a different universe, silent aside from the scraping of the hairdresser's shoes on the lino and the snap of his scissors. in the reflection from the window he could see through the window, a couple of little mists moved gradually through the edge, moving to the sound of the scissors' snap. lethargically, his eyes dropping to the front of the cape where his hair falls with a similar delicate quality as snow and he envisions sitting in the seat simply like the men and more seasoned young men, the extraordinary seat left inclining toward the divider in the corner. select the appropriate response that accurately recognizes the story's account perspective and clarifies why the story's storyteller might be untrustworthy. a. first-individual; the storyteller is a character in the story b. third-individual (omniscient); the storyteller knows every one of the characters' contemplations c. third-individual (constrained); the storyteller just knows one character's musings d. first-individual; the storyteller isn't a functioning character in the story
I'm not familiar with what context this is in, but i believe it is D because it's saying you will "bargain" with the calendar, meaning negotiate to try and get some more time