Is the american dream from the view of one of the genres.
Step 1: Decide on the 'Terms of reference'
To decide on the terms of reference for your report, read your instructions and any other information you've been given about the report, and think about the purpose of the report:
- What is it about?
- What exactly is needed?
- Why is it needed?
- When do I need to do it?
- Who is it for, or who is it aimed at?
- This will help you draft your Terms of reference.
Word: withhold.
Synonym: retain.
The FBI withheld the data requested by the prosecutor; as a result, it retained the material and refused to provide further information.
Withhold means to refuse to give something that is due or requested. Similarly, its synonym retain signifies to keep possession of something.
where is the passage? in encanto felix is antonios dad so...