I'm almost 100% sure it's B.
<span>[Odysseus stands in the doorway and shoots arrows at the suitors; he first kills Antinous; Eurymachus offers compensation for what the suitors have done; Odysseus kills him; Telemachus kills Amphinomus, then goes to fetch weapons from the storeroom; Melanthius reveals where the weapons are stored and gets some for the suitors; Eumaeus and Philoetius catch Melanthius and string him up to the rafters; Athena appears in the guise of Mentor to encourage Odysseus; Agelaus tries to rally the suitors; Odysseus, Telemachus, Eumaeus and Philoetius keep killing suitors until Athena makes the suitors panic; Leiodes seeks mercy from Odysseus but is killed; Odysseus spares Phemius and Medon; Odysseus questions Eurycleia about the women servants who have dishonoured him; he gets them to haul the bodies outside and clean up the hall; Telemachus hangs all the unfaithful female slaves; Melanthius is cut up and castrated; Odysseus purifies the house and yard; Odysseus is reunited with the faithful women servants]</span>
your is a meaning of possessive form of the pronoun you , your is used as a second person decisive adjectives . this means that the word your is always followed by the noun which belongs to or is associated with you. some examples you can usually unlock your mobile phone with your fingers password or face scan , most experts agree that a vegetarian diet is better for your health as well as the environment your is always followed by a noun or rude if one of these is not in the sentence you are probably using the wrong word . you're is the meaning of usage the word you are is a construction of the word you and are the a p o s t r o p h e is a contraction represents letters in this case the missing a some examples have you decided what you're going for holiday , you're my best friend , the easiest way to check if you're using the correct words is the replace the word you're with the words you are if your sentences still makes sense you're using the correct word