I have no idea what AP English 11 is like.
I think AP Bio is a difficult class to take. Bio may seem easy, but AP Bio is a whole different world. I would not recommend taking it unless you have a very good work ethic and you enjoy biology.
Don't take an AP class just to take one, choose one that you are intrested in.
We just read this book so it depends on if the Socs and Greasers or S v.S or G v. G. For S v. G there were certain things that both groups couldn't do. The rules were established by both groups agreeing.
So far vaccines in this world killed so many people.
There are a lot of rumors going around that it is bad.
Victor Von Doom AKA Doctor Doom:
Smartest man in comics. I’m happy to argue. Reed Richards, Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Hank Pym . simply can’t hold a candle to this guy. Another misunderstood character who I don’t consider to be a villain, whose whole character development revolves around his rivalry with the Fantastic Four. He has a great relationship with the daughter of Susan Storm and Reed Richards, Valeria Richards. She views him as an UNCLE rather than a villain. That is the viewpoint through which us Marvel fans should try and understand Doom’s character, rather than just writing him off as another villain. He was able to cure Ben Grimm of his ‘Thing’ condition, despite Reed Richards failing to do so, and runs a COUNTRY. Multi-talented and relatable. Fantastic character.
The tiger was trapped. How?