Answer: A feudal system created on the ruins of slavery.
The feudal system is a social system that was in place during the Middle Ages. This system consisted of landowners, respectively (feudal lords), and tenants (feudal) land that the feudal lords leased. This system was suitable for landowners. Namely, it was the peasants who cultivated the ground and gave most of the income to the landlord; for them, it was generally smaller, the amount that the peasant could survive. In these circumstances, it was the serfs who endured the complete system, and often there were riots, which were largely suppressed. We can, therefore, conclude that the peasant, unlike the feudal lord, was not privileged and in any way protected by the system.
"Why" is the question to ask to help identify the reason for an event that happens in a historical text.
If you ask "why" an event happened, you will get to better understand the reasoning around it, what prompted the event, and some of the personal/political emotions or decisions that surrounded the event.
<span>In the excerpt from "Dialogue Between Franklin and the Gout," </span>Madame Gout reasons with Franklin about the benefits of exercise by <span>C. making observations to compare the advantages of walking versus taking a carriage.</span> She details how walking works in helping accelerate one's blood flow and how it eventually does good to one's health.
c. decide on a topic for the essay
a. create an outline for the essay
e. write a draft of the essay
d. revise and rewrite the draft of the essay
b. skim and edit the essay for surface errors
In order for you to begin any piece of writing or planning for your essay, you first need to know what you're writing about so deciding on a topic is first. Second, it is helpful to have a general outline or road map for your essay. This helps you to stay on topic with your paragraphs as well as point out any immediate problems with organizational structure. The next is to write a rough draft for the essay. Once you have the draft and know exactly how it all goes together, you can go back and revise for major errors and better language. It's not worth the time to check for minor errors if you end up making major revisions at this stage. Once all of the major revisions are completed, then it's important to spell and grammar check the essay for things that may have been overlooked.