Explanation: Homo habilis is the name given to human ancestors who lived around two (2) million years ago around the stone ages,they have a larger braincase and smaller face and teeth when compared to the older Homo species. Some archaeologists are of the opinion and believe that they were the first to develop language together with the first chopper tools mainly made up of stone which they used for some the farming and or craft works they did.
1 & 2 (&) / 1 & a 2 / 1 2 / 1 e & a (2) / 1 (&) 2 (&) / 1 (&) 2 (&) /3/4 Time:1 & 2 (&) 3 & a / 1 2 3 / 1 e & a (2) 3 (&) / 1 (&) 2 (&) 3 ...
that is that answer
noun, plural dis·till·er·ies. a place or establishment where distilling, especially the distilling of liquors, is done.
These are in 2/4 time. They have two beats per measure. Remember that an eighth not equals one half of a beat, a quarter not equals one beat, a half note equals two beats, and a whole note equals four beats. To make these measures in 4/4 (four beats per measure) you would have to add four eight notes, two quarter notes, or one half note to each measure.