The earliest notated European music was Gregorian Chant. This was a monophonic form of music with all folks contributing their vocal music in 'one voice'. The oldest evidence of this notation comes from around the year 850 and was called the Musica Disciplina of Aurelian of Reome.
uhm yeah
Have clarity of thought before speaking out
Before you try and get your point across to others, you should be very clear yourself on what you are hoping to convey.
Arranging your thoughts before verbalising them can help you communicate much more clearly and succinctly.
You're much more likely to stay on point, and your listeners are much less likely to be left bored or confused.
It's a better idea to say something like, "I've got a few ideas here. Let me go through them one at a time. We can treat each one on its own merit."
Then, you can give the first one, discuss it, before giving the next one.
If you're unsure that your point has come across as you intended it to, you can also ask your listeners if the point you've made is clear. Whereas, if you've just given a whole lot of points at once, you're then going to get questions from all over the place.
The image is an example of illuminated manuscript.
The practice of illumination dates back to early 5th century when scribes would use richly colored pigments as well as gold and silver leaf to decorate the pages of books and Bibles.By illuminating texts, skilled artists were able to beautify the pages of the Bible as a way to summarize, explain, and, ultimately, preserve its message.