Fungi are responsible for what common human ailment athlete's foot infections
the need for improved consent policies advocating "only yes means yes"
Specifically, urease catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea to produce ammonia and carbamate, the carbamate produced is subsequently degraded by means of spontaneous hydrolysis to produce another molecule of ammonia and carbonic acid. [1] Urease activity tends to increase the pH of the medium in which it is due to the production of ammonia. It is produced by bacteria, fungi and several higher plants. Urease, functionally, belongs to the superfamily of amidohydrolases and phosphotriesterases. [2]
If we had no cilia in our trachea, our lungs would be filled with dust and microorganisms that we breathe in.
Olfactory system
In an olfactory system, odor molecules are perceived by the olfactory receptors. These odor molecules are nothing but the chemicals which are then transduced as chemical signals into the electrical signals and sent to the brain. The brain perceives these electrical signals as smell.
The odorant particles bind to the specific receptors located at cilia which then signal through the G protein Gαolf which then activate adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase leads to cAMP production which then open a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel through which both sodium and calcium ion entern into the cell. Calcium ion then activates chloride channels and thereby causing transduction of electrical signal