C. It lets writers check whether their evidence supports their claims.
The outline is a necessary step in the easy-writing process as it helps us to see the big picture of our paper and decide how to approach the main subject and arrange our ideas.
In the making of an essay, an outline will help us to resolve which points we want to approach and how do they relate to each other and it will help us to determine whether or not we have sufficient evidence to support our claims. In this step, we may add more evidence or remove those that are not strong enough, this is essential because a claim without strong evidence would be easily discarded or ignored.
Once we have this figured out, we can then focus on correcting our grammar, and spelling, and to add transition phrases if necessary.
For the full article, see Delian League. Delian League , Confederacy of ancient Greek states led by Athens and based on the island of Delos. Founded in 478 bc to combat Persia, its members included Aegean states and islands; Athens supplied commanders and assessed tributes of ships or money.
Germany and Austria-Hungary by the Dual alliance
his is a selection of key events in the history of democracy. It highlights moments where there was a significant evolution of democratic principles. The extension of democracy includes:
Weakening power of absolute rulers / absolute monarchs.
Extending the decision-making process to a wider section of society.
Giving every member of society a say in the decision-making process.