The main character in Brian Robeson, is a thirteen-year-old boy from New York City. This novel primarily deals with themes of man and nature as well as of self-awareness and self-actualization, mainly through Brian's experiences living alone in the wilderness. Therefore, he is essentially the only principal character. Brian's parents have just recently divorced, and this conflict between them has deeply affected Brian and his sense of stability. His sense of self has been disrupted by his parents' split, and he bears the burden of "The Secret," that is, the knowledge that his mother is having an affair with another man.
Brian is an exceptionally dynamic character. While he demonstrates vulnerability, frustration, and anger at the beginning of the novel, his experiences in the north woods of Canada alter his perspective forever. He learns lessons and adopts qualities that are relevant not only to wilderness survival but also to life as a whole. Patience, observation, an appreciation for the natural world, and a newfound connection between mind and body all contribute to Brian's character development and to his emerging manhood.
<u>“The Ambitious Guest” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. </u>
1. Claim/Topic Sentence: (Define the literary term.)
A personification is...
<u>Personification is a literary device in which a thing (an object, an idea, an animal) is given the qualities of a person. In other words, the non-living objects are described in such a way that we see they can act like human beings (to feel, to do something, etc).</u>
2. Quoted Example/Evidence from “The Ambitious Guest”:
An example of personification in the story is in the line.
<u><em>"The light hovered about them fondly, and caressed them all."</em></u>
3. Analysis: How did this impact the story? Explain in your own words (3-4 sentences).
Personification is a great way to describe something so that the readers can better understand it. In our case, Nathaniel Hawthorne used personification in this line, so that we could paint a picture in our mind. We can imagine that the light was bright and everywhere, the whole room was filled with beautiful light. Personification was used here as imagery.
I hope it helped you :)
The most important part was when you explained to the reader why to read the book.i hope this helped!
I think kids should actually, it keeps them separated from distractions by other kids.