Red is a primary color, you can get yellow by mixing green and red, you can get orange by mixing yellow and red.
He knows Capoeira, Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, and also does mobility training with his coach Ido Portal
The reason i say TKD instead of karate is because there are many diff. style of Karate that each vary their stances. Also his kicks and stance resemble Tae Kwon do more than traditional karate
Answer and Explanation:
1. If the company uses cumulative voting, I will be able represented by 2 directors on the board because I own 20% of the stock of the company. Since there are 10 seats (for 10 directors) on the board, I will be represented by: (20 ÷ 100) × 10 = 2 directors.
2. If the company uses straight voting, then I shall be entitled to vote for only one candidate per each of the 10 seats for the positions of board of directors. However, the number of seats I will be represented by will depend on the winner for each seat or position of director. In straight voting, if someone else owns a higher stock than me, the person can easily defeat the people I would vote for, and control the entire 10 seats on the board, thus leaving me with no representation (seats or directors).