Soliloquy- an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play.
Ingenious- of a person or action) innocent and unsuspecting
It is either one of those not quite sure but I hope I helped a bit!
Copernicus should be the topic, and the central idea should be how he came up with the heliocentric theory. I hope I helped, please tell me if I am incorrect or if you need more help!
Answer: 1.The first part was unnecessary and the second part had words that were redundant
2. The extra words were deleted. There were redundancy issues.
1. The first part was unnecessary, since it was transitional phrases. The second part had words that were redundant. For example, you don't need the re in front of duplicate and with the word again. Or office in government with voting,
2. The extra words were deleted. There were redundancy issues. The motto less is more pertains to this sentence.
The answer is A, because the protagonist is the main character, and that's what Rider is. The other answers don't really make sense in terms of the role he plays in the story.
Hope I helped!
The only sentence among these examples which is punctuated correctly is the second one - The girl walked over to the table on which the book lay, and, without a moment's hesitation, she picked it up and waled out of the room.
Hope this helps :)