open source software
An open source software is any software that is released under an open source license, meaning that anybody can access its source code, see how it was made, and as the question says, "sutdy, change and improve it".
This is opposite to proprietary or closed source software where you can have a license to use the software but you can't see or change it's "building blocks" (i.e. code)
hay un n t s en la esquina superior derecha, debe presionar eso y debe llevarlo al menú si eso no funciona, entonces tengo una idea de qué hacer
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US Dollars (USD): 100.00
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Canadian Dollar (CAN): 130.00
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Technology is addicting and distracting, just take personal experience. Have you ever had a time when you were on the computer, on the phone, playing games, watching TV, etc. and time flew by? You were procrastinating and should have been doing something else? Were you ever multitasking and paid more attention to technology than what you should be doing? If so, then you have your answer, and from your own experience as well.